Best and Worst, Part II

This evening, I've been struggling with Chase's bill pay center which is still pretty klugy. 
I decided to send them an email suggesting the simple possibility of being able to sort by Payee because most of us want to know the details of who we paid not, "oh, who did I pay that $74.36 check to?"

Shortly after submitting the email, I got a return email. Wow, that's service! Not so much. I logged BACK into my Chase account (for the umpteenth time tonight) where I found an awkwardly written form letter. Not only that, but there's no way in that 60 seconds you actually got my feedback and "documented" it in that amount of time.

I don't expect that they will personally respond to every query, but I'd love a friendly, readable, relatable email in return, not a choppy form letter. Perhaps tomorrow I'll hear from a human rather than a bot, although th
is letter was "signed." When I check a box that says "contact me" I don't mean send me a form letter. 

Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to 
contact us. I certainly understand your concern as you 
would like to be able to sort your payment by payee name 
as well as have a year end summary of your transactions. 
Allow me to submit your suggestions. 

First, I appreciate the time you have taken in expressing 
your concerns. At Chase, we hold our customer feedback 
very seriously. I have documented your suggestions and I 
will forward them to the Customer Feedback Center. Because
of comments such as yours, we gain more insight as to what
our customers want. This center is in place so that we can
share your experience. We use this feedback to determine 
ways that we can implement changes in order to improve the
customer experience.

Please let us know if there is any other way we can assist
you as we always strive to provide excellent customer 

Do you have a kudo or a criticism about communication from a company? Do tell.....


Michael said…
Ooooh...that makes me so mad. I wish I could get rid of Chase but I'm not quite there, yet. Can't wait for the day I do. And did you hear the news a week or so ago about how some top dog wrote an email saying something to the effect of "We want to do bad, evil, semi-illegal stuff but just don't ever write it in emails."

Big business. Aarrrgh!
Amy said…
Canned form emails.... gross!