A Declaration of Independence

In our lives, there is constant change. Buddhism reminds us that nothing is permanent. Too true. I had a job I can honestly say I loved. How lucky to ever be able to say that in one's life. I've had a few of them, actually. My department was downsized and I and others were sent off on new adventures. Working in Digital Health was exactly what I had hoped to do after returning to graduate school. The work encompassed healthcare and technology. At the end of the day, our work might actually make a difference and the work and environment was continually challenging and interesting. Now it's time for me to take that knowledge and work with other companies who have similar visions.

After leaving Intel, I have decided to delve back into the world of consulting. As you may know, my previous company, Accessible Threads, focused on creating sewn prototypes for consultancies such as IDEO and Herbst LaZar Bell, and manufacturers such as SunTech Medical and Trek Bikes.

In this new iteration, the focus will be on healthcare and technology, also encompassing projects that fall under “design for social change”. I will bring my expertise in user research, ethnography, concept generation and general design thinking to consultancies, manufacturers, and non-profits. When working with participants, I offer expertise with special communities such as elders, people with a disability and children.

Work with Ziba and Oregon Health and Science University and Techtronix, has already gotten underway. I'm excited to see where this adventure goes. If you want to collaborate on a project as a client or as a partner in design crime, I'm at dezinr at gmail.com
